Survival Hack: How To Create Homemade Penicillin

This information I feel is very relevant to potentially everyone but specifically those whom may be living in poverty or have limited resources around the world. Oranges and simple bread are two of the most universally common household kitchen items. But did you know that oranges and bread are capable of producing penicillin simply by letting them sit around and age? Believe it or not, that green disgusting mold which develops on the surface of bread is actually called Penicillium.

It is time for a thought experiment. You are living in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. In a dash your partner has deeply slashed their leg. As you take shelter the next few days your partner begins to develop a noticeable infection. Keeping in mind that in real world cases infections can result in serious medical concerns, loss of a limb or death if left untreated, without access to modern medical supplies would you know what to do to help your partner? Here is one cheap and easy way to potentially save your partner from these fates.

Mobile Phones And Your Health

Mobile Phones And Your Health Health Tips by RIGHTEOUS This information I feel is very relevant to potentially everyone but specifically those who may be living in poverty or have limited resources around the world. Oranges and simple bread are two of the most universally common household kitchen items. But did you know that oranges and […]

Eat Asparagus for better health

Eat Asparagus For Better Health Health Tips When I was in the USN, I was stationed in Key West, FL. I worked at the clinic at Naval Air Station on Big Coppitt Key just a few miles north of Key West. The hospital at Key West was for out-patients only, for retired armed forces personnel […]

10 Of The Worst Food Ingredients To Never Eat Again

The Truth About Cast Iron Pans Health Tips MSG can cause kidney stones….. Potassium Bromate Widely used in bread products, potassium bromate has been linked to tumor formation in  the kidneys, abdomen, and thyroid to find out more about ingredients to stay away from. It goes without saying that the food we eat greatly affects our […]

Questioning The Effectiveness Of Tamiflu

Questioning The Effectiveness Of Tamiflu Health Tips Year after year, Tamiflu continues to be a goldmine for the pharmaceutical company Roche. This single drug garnered sales of $3.4 billion in 2009, the year of the H1N1 (swine flu) “epidemic,” and governments around the globe have been stockpiling it ever since. Tamiflu’s claim to fame is […]

Start Eating Papaya Seeds Right Now

Start Eating Papaya Seeds Right Now Health Tips We all know how healthy papaya is. But do you know the health benefits of papaya seeds? Here is a list of some of the health benefits papaya seeds offer. 1. Kidney HealthAccording to scientists from the University of Karachi, papaya seeds can significantly improve kidney health […]

Coconut Oil Kills 93% Of Colon Cancer Cells In Vivo

Coconut Oil Kills 93% Of Colon Cancer Cells In Vivo Health Tips In this newly published lab study, lauric acid (coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid) killed over 93% of human colon cancer cells (Caco-2) after 48 hours of treatment. Intriguingly, the lauric acid poisoned the cancer cells by simultaneously unleashing profound oxidative stress […]

Great Sources Of Protein That Aren’t Meat

Great Sources Of Protein That Aren’t Meat Health Tips When it comes to protein, there’s a common misconception about how much we actually need on a daily basis. And in the fitness world, many people swear by living a high-protein diet to build muscle and aid in weight loss by making you feel fuller. But how […]

Why Your Grandparents Didn’t Have Food Allergies— But You Do

Why Your Grandparents Didn’t Have Food Allergies— But You Do Health Tips Did it ever cross your mind as to why your grandparents did not have food allergies … or that it wasn’t as common as it is with our children today? Food allergies are becoming a household concern and are on the rise. In […]