Here’s a typical daily ketogenic diet menu:
Breakfast: Two scrambled eggs prepared with butter, two ounces smoked wild salmon, and an avocado.
Lunch: Grilled chicken on top of spinach or another leafy green. Garnish with macadamia nuts and top with your favorite low-carb (not low-cal) dressing.
Snack: Hard-boiled egg, cucumber slices with tuna salad, grass-fed protein shake, or celery sticks with almond butter.
Dinner: Ribeye steak topped with mushrooms and fresh thyme sautéed in olive oil, steamed asparagus.
People fighting cancer typically stay on this diet until they are cancer-free. Cancer survivors, or those trying to prevent cancer, may cycle on and off.
Fred’s wife Gloria was in charge of cooking and supervising what Fred ate while he was on the ketogenic diet.
She noted that ketogenic foods are easy to find in every grocery store. “It’s clean eating. Just very clean eating,” Gloria says. “None of the sugars, the trash foods.”
In less than a year, Fred’s cancer was gone. It’s now been four years. “To this day, there’s no trace of it,” he says.
Fred has no doubt about the effect the ketogenic diet had on his cancer. “It saved my life,” he says plainly.50
Now that his cancer has disappeared, Fred cycles on and off the diet. He says he goes on it once a month for about a week.51