101 Ways To Reduce Pain Naturally

101 Ways To Reduce Pain Naturally

  1. Ginger has been proven to reduce pain effectively and also reduce the secretion of cytokines that causes inflammation.
  2. Feverfew is a herb that is native to Asia and has been proven to effectively reduce the severity of migraine attacks.
  3. Cayenne has been used for many years as a natural remedy to reduce pain. This natural remedy is also effective in relieving pain caused by Psoriatic arthritis and similar diseases.
  4. Turmeric has a powerful anti-inflammatory property that has been scientifically proven to be similar to the anti-inflammatory effects of NSAIDs.
  5. Valerian root is an effective natural remedy for reducing the severity of premenstrual syndrome. The root can also help to reduce muscle contractions.



Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, mainstream nutritional guidelines have instructed Americans to eat soy and drink soy milk. BUT soy milk is not a healthy choice.  By drinking soy milk you are not doing yourself a favor, you are destroying your health. Please, take a look at these reasons why you should avoid soy milk.

Soymilk Ingredients
Soymilk (Filtered Water, Whole Soybeans), Cane Sugar, Sea Salt, Carrageenan, Natural Flavor, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D2, Riboflavin (B2), Vitamin B12.

Meat and Cancer

The rate of instances of diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, autism, and many more continues to increase at an alarming rate. Since we first began recording statistics on disease we have seen a skyrocketing upward trend which has many scientists and researchers looking for answers, most notably towards our environment. We are surrounded by toxins on a daily basis, and we are also ingesting them constantly. Scientists have been examining the many common habits of modern humans, and one of those habits clearly includes eating a tremendous amount of meat.

How Meat Fuels Tumor Growth

The association between meat consumption and diseases like cancer is no secret. Ever since researchers started studying the links between diet and cancer, one thing has stood out above the rest: people who avoided eating meat were much less likely to develop cancer.(1)(2) Many studies have shown that there is a significantly decreased risk of cancer associated with veganism.(3)

Reverse Cavities Naturally And Heal Tooth Decay With This Powerful Tooth Powder

We have all been told that cavities are caused by eating sugary, sticky candy and the lack of good hygienic care. Once there is tooth decay, the only way to return to a heathy mouth is to drill out the decay and fill the hole with a synthetic compound or even remove the tooth.

According to a published study by the British Medical Journal, tooth decay can be healed with diet.

62 children were split into three groups for a study on nutrition and cavities. Group 1 ate a traditional diet with the addition of oatmeal rich phytic acid. Group 2 ate a traditional diet with the addition of a Vitamin D supplement. Group 3 ate a grain-free diet with the addition of a Vitamin D supplement as well.

Sugar Identified as a Top Cause of the Surge in Cancer

According to the Credit Suisse Research Institute’s 2013 study1 “Sugar: Consumption at a Crossroads,” as much as 40 percent of US healthcare expenditures are for diseases directly related to the overconsumption of sugar.

Incredibly, we spend more than $1 trillion each year fighting the damaging health effects of sugar, which runs the gamut from obesity and diabetes, to heart disease and cancer.

The fact that sugar and obesity are linked to an increased risk of cancer is now becoming well-recognized. According to a report2 on the global cancer burden, published in 2014, obesity is responsible for an estimated 500,000 cancer cases worldwide each year.

How to stop a heart attack in one minute

Now science has confirmed that cayenne does have an amazing ability to help the heart. University of Cincinnati (UC) scientists have discovered that capsaicin, the main component of cayenne, can help stop a heart attack  when applied topically.

How to Use Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper has at least 90,000 Scoville units, according to the Scoville Heat Units (SHU). Habanero, African Bird, Thai Chi, Jamaican Hot Pepper, Jalapeño, and Scotch Bonet are species of peppers that have the same SHU value. You can find cayenne pepper in supermarkets, oriental grocery stores or health food stores.

So why should we freeze lemons?

So why should we freeze lemons?

“A new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.”

All kinds of people are saying that the entire lemon should be used with nothing wasted. Not only for the obvious health benefits but also for the amazing taste! How? Simple, take an ORGANIC lemon, wash it and then put it in the freezer. Once it is frozen you get whatever is necessary to grate or shred the whole lemon without even peeling it first. Then sprinkle it on your salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti sauce, or whatever. No holds barred. What you will experience is that whatever you sprinkle it on will take on a taste you may never have experienced before.

8 Great Sources Of Protein That Aren’t Meat

When it comes to protein, there’s a common misconception about how much we actually need on a daily basis. And in the fitness world, many people swear by living a high-protein diet to build muscle and aid in weight loss by making you feel fuller. But how much is too much?

The American Dietetic Association says that for the majority of active adults, they only need to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram (1 kg = 2.2 pounds) of body weight per day. So for those that are consuming meat at every meal? They’re ingesting about five times too much of their recommended daily intake. On the other hand, too little protein is a bad thing as well. Protein malnutrition can lead to a condition called kwashiorkor, and can also cause growth failure, loss of muscle mass, decreased immunity, a weakening of the heart and respiratory system, and even death.

Meat is often looked at as being one of the top sources for protein, hence why so many scratch their heads in confusion as to how a vegetarian or vegan will go on without biting off a piece on a regular basis. But there are a lot of misconceptions regarding this ideology that ought to be cleared up. First off, we need to consume foods that provide us with the nine essential amino acids that our bodies are not capable of creating on their own.

Loneliness Kills

'This is something that we need to take seriously for our health,' says Brigham Young University researcher Julianne Holt-Lunstad, an author of the study. 'This should become a public-health issue.'

The researchers emphasized the difference between the subjective, self-reported feeling of loneliness and the objective state of being socially isolated. Both are potentially damaging, the study found. People who say they are alone but feel happy are at increased risk of death, as are those who have many social connections but say they are lonely. People who are both objectively isolated and subjectively lonely may be at the greatest risk of death, says Holt-Lunstad, though she notes that more data would be needed to know with certainty.

“If we just tell people to interact with more people, that might solve the social-isolation issue, but it might not solve the loneliness issue,” she said. “I think we need to acknowledge that both of these components are important.”

The Dark Side of Implants

Perhaps you have decided you must extract your root canal treated teeth to maintain or regain health—against the clear position stated by the American Association of Endodontists above. You chose a biological dentist who can help you avoid cavitations, and boosted your immune system. How should you replace the space? Interestingly, the more complex and biologically incompatible the option, the more costly it is. Costs vary widely, as do longevity estimates.

Implants are essentially an artificial root screwed into your jawbone, topped with an artificial tooth or used as an anchor for a bridge or partial denture. Implants are displacing root canals because they look, feel, and function very much like a natural tooth, and do not interfere with normal oral activities.

They help maintain bone that normally dissolves over time after a tooth is extracted. They can last a long time, and do not require grinding down adjacent teeth, as a fixed bridge would require. But you have to remember success is not measured only by tooth function, but function within your body as a whole.