The Truth About Cast Iron Pans

Cooks seeking alternatives to toxic non-stick cookware often find themselves in a bind. Stainless steel, which seems to be the healthiest alternative, is expensive, and it does not lend itself well to cooking eggs, pancakes and other dishes that non-stick cookware typically excels at. If you have not yet discovered the benefits of cast iron cooking, here are 10 reasons to buy and use a cast iron skillet.

Lavender Lemonade Can Get Rid Of Headaches & Anxiety

The Truth About Cast Iron Pans Health Tips So many people suffer from anxiety and headaches these days. I believe this to be a mixture of our lifestyles and many of the changes that are taking place in our world that are pushing people to question what we’ve been doing as a society repetitively for […]

Understanding, Protecting, and Maintaining Your Lungs

Understanding, Protecting, and Maintaining Your Lungs

The human body is a complex system of interconnected parts, and the lungs play a critical role in our overall health and well-being. In this blog, we will explore the anatomy and function of the lungs, common lung conditions, and the causes of lung damage. We will also provide tips and advice for maintaining lung health and protecting against lung damage.

Vitamin B17 The Greatest Cover Up In The History Of Cancer

It has been becoming increasingly apparent in recent years that there are a number of alternative cancer treatment methods which have proven to either eradicate cancer cells on their own, or even assist with the more traditional methods of chemotherapy and radiation. Many of these alternative treatments do not get the recognition that they deserve from either mainstream media or mainstream medicine. In fact, in many states alternative cancer treatments have been banned or made illegal and, according to the law, one can even be forced to undergo chemotherapy against one’s will. It is important to note, however, that choosing one of these natural, alternative cancer treatments does require you to do a lot of research, because there is very little funding, or merit, allotted to their study. The cancer industry does not want to look at these alternative methods and spends very little of their funds informing people about preventative medicine. In fact, one particular vitamin that is believed to be extremely beneficial in fighting cancer cells has actually been banned by the FDA and is illegal for treatment in the United States, and that is Laetrile.

Top 10 Herbs For The Eyes

Whether you want to maintain healthy vision or restore it, here are 10 herbs that have been deemed beneficial for eye health:

Top 10 Herbs For The Eyes


The name is an obvious indicator of the ancient belief in eyebright’s value in treating the eyes. Eyebright derives its name from its flowers that resemble eyes as well as its valuable property as an eye medication to preserve eyesight. [2] Studies show eyebright can be used to soothe red or itchy eyes like those present in conjunctivitis. [3] In one such study carried throughout 12 general practitioner and ophthalmologist clinics in Europe, a single dose of eyebright eye drops were administered to patients with inflammatory or catarrhal conjunctivitis. Complete recovery was seen in 81.5% of the patients while there was a clear improvement in  another 17%. [4]

Warning! Never Reheat These 7 Foods, They Can Poison Your Family

Many of us use to warm the extra nourishment, and consume it for second or even third time. There are foods that can be consumed after warming them, but there are also some of them which can do a lot of damage to your organism after being warmed. There not so many people who have considered these nourishments as possible danger to their wellbeing. Some nourishments do not hold their dietary esteem after they have been warmed. Read this article if you want to find out which are the 7 foods that should never be warmed and eaten after that.

Must-Have Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Who actually likes mosquitoes? Chances are, nobody but birds and bats.
Are you tired of having those pesky little insects dart around your backyard and terrorize you as you attempt to hold a peaceful barbecue or just enjoy the great outdoors? Join the club.
But what causes mosquitoes to attack us humans anyways?
Well, it turns out that there is a certain odor humans emit that attracts the insects. That explains why mosquitoes tend to attack those who sweat a lot.
But the good news is that there are also certain smells that mosquitoes absolutely hate – smells that will cause them to steer clear of you and your backyard. There are several strong-smelling plants that you can place around your backyard to ward off the insects, which we will discuss today. Each of these solutions can be greatly enhanced by not only planting these herbs around your yard but also crushing the leaves against your skin, allowing the smell to become absorbed by you and ensuring that the insects are repelled even if you step away from your garden.

The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts

We don’t have to live in a medicated world, but we certainly choose to. The crux of the matter is that we refuse to proactively think about prevention because we reactively commit to treating the symptoms of underlying health problems. This is the allopathic model. We want the quick fix so we can continue our poor lifestyle and dietary habits. It doesn’t have to be this way, but it is. We can blame doctors, the medical institutions and healthcare systems all we want, but self-responsibility is our only recourse if we are ever to surface from this mess. There are no excuses–if you’re taking one of these drugs, consult with a Natural Health Practitioner this week about phasing out your medication and phasing in these powerful natural foods and remedies.

Avocado Seeds – Super Food for Super Health

The Avocado is considered a super food, one that can provide your body with the healthiest nutrients ever, but very few know that the avocado seed is packed with nutrients even more than the flesh or the skin. It also has the most soluble fibers in the world. One avocado seed contains the entire daily fiber dose that our bodies need. It contains more antioxidants than the avocado itself and other vegetables and fruits. But, that’s not all.

Energy drinks containing extremely high levels of caffeine

Energy drinks containing extremely high levels of caffeine are often used by bodybuilders trying to energize for extended workouts and others who seek an energy boost. However, these drinks pose a great risk to the heart and other body systems, according to the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. Severe dehydration, increased heart rate or palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, stroke, heart attack and even sudden death in some people with pre-existing health conditions have been reported.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently reported that by 2009, over 20,000 people visited emergency rooms each year as a result of conditions suffered from consumption of high caffeine energy drinks. This is double the 2005 statistic of only about 10,000 such incidents.