Avocado Seeds – Super Food for Super Health

Health Tips

The Avocado is considered a super food, one that can provide your body with the healthiest nutrients ever, but very few know that the avocado seed is packed with nutrients even more than the flesh or the skin. It also has the most soluble fibers in the world. One avocado seed contains the entire daily fiber dose that our bodies need. It contains more antioxidants than the avocado itself and other vegetables and fruits. But, that’s not all.

The Benefits of the Avocado Seed
– An amazing fact is that the flesh and the skin of the avocado contain only 30% of the antioxidants, while 70% are found in the seed alone. The antioxidants are the ones that help prevent heart diseases, lowering the cholesterol and prevent different sorts of illnesses.
– You can ease swelling in the gastrointestinal tract and you can reduce inflammatory diseases in the body.
– You can even prevent or relieve constipation and help ease diarrhea because it is rich in fibers.
– The antioxidant known as phenolic compound found in the seed is known to help alleviate pain from gastric ulcers due to the anti-viral and antibacterial properties.

Do you need additional facts and reasons why you should consume avocado seeds? Here’s some more:

– The seed contains another very important antioxidant which can help fight cancer: flavonol. People with cancer are urged to consume foods rich in flavonol, thus the avocado seed is perfect for them.

– Another great reason to include avocado seeds in your diet is if you have a weak immune system and suffer from frequent colds during the flu season. The seed can help you strengthen it.
– Free radicals are the main reason why people get sick, suffer from cancer and age a little too fast. If you want to prevent all of that, the avocado seed can help you fight the free radicals. It can help you achieve a youthful look because it has the ability to rebuild the collagen underneath the skin.
– And it doesn’t stop here! Consuming the seed can help you feel energetic by reducing body aches, joint discomforts and bone diseases; it can help you lose weight and lower blood glucose levels; it can help with exercise-induced asthma; it can even make you feel fuller by reducing food cravings.

How to Extract the Avocado Seed
Take a knife and slice open the avocado vertically from both sides. It should open easily if it is ripe. Take out the seed. Then, you can do two things with it. One is to put it in a plastic bag and smash it with a hammer and then put it in a blender with other ingredients such as banana, spinach or other dark green vegetable, dates etc. in order to make a smoothie. Or if you have a more powerful blender you can put it in with the rest of the ingredients without crushing it. Just make sure to add some water. Drink your avocado seed smoothie and enjoy a healthier life.