The Toxic Truth About Tattoos

The tattoo trend started 20 years ago in America and Europe, and it has become a worldwide obsession. Thankfully, I’ve never gotten a tattoo and after reading this study I am happy I never did. If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, you may not even be aware that there are many health dangers to receiving a tattoo
- Tattoo inks contain a myriad of heavy metals. Red tattoo inks often contain mercury, and tattoos pierce the skin leaving the ink permanently embedded. FDA has not approved any tattoo pigments for injection into the skin. Tattoo parlors are regulated by the state and city, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require manufacturers to release their ink’s ingredients; doing so could supposedly give away trade secrets. The lack of regulation is slightly unnerving considering that 36 percent of people ages 18-25 have tattoos, as do 40 percent of those 26-40 years old. That means approximately 45 million Americans have been inked, and one-third of those did so because it makes them feel “sexy.”
Ketogenic diet is very low-carb for your health

The ketogenic diet is very low-carb. The “keto” in a ketogenic diet comes from the fact that when you don’t eat carbs, your liver uses fatty acids to produces ketones. These are small molecules that healthy cells can use for fuel, but cancer cells cannot. Without the glucose it needs, cancer dies.47
If you are a person who craves carbs, following a ketogenic diet will take some willpower. You’ll need to keep your carb intake below 50 grams a day. This means staying away from sugary foods and avoiding starches such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes.48
Except for those rules, a ketogenic diet is flexible. There are no calorie restrictions. Simply follow these guidelines:49
Eat Freely
- Grass-fed, organic meats
- Wild-caught fish
- Pastured eggs
- Coconut, olive, and avocado oils
- Grass-fed, organic butter or ghee
- Non-starchy vegetables: leafy greens, radishes, kohlrabi, celery, asparagus, cucumber, summer squashes
- Avocado
- Raw macadamia nuts
- All herbs and spices
- Condiments: organic or homemade mayonnaise (soy-free), pesto, mustard
- Grass-fed whey protein powder
Eat Occasionally (No more than once a day)
- Full-fat, grass-fed organic dairy (plain Greek yogurt, cheese, cream, sour cream)
- Nuts: pecans, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts
- Seeds: flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
- Berries
- Peas
- Mushrooms
- Onions, garlic, leeks
- Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, turnips, rutabaga
- Apples, pears
- Okra
- Artichokes
- Rhubarb
- Olives
- Extra-dark chocolate
- Root vegetables: carrots, beets, parsnips, sweet potatoes
- Melon
- Dry red or white wine
Avoid completely
- All grains: bread, rice, flour, cookies, crackers, pasta, etc.
- Sweets: candy, ice cream, cakes, syrup, soft drinks
- Factory-farmed meats and fish
- Potatoes
- Sweet or starchy fruits: banana, mango, pineapple, oranges, grapes
- Dried fruit
- Soy products
- Fruit juices
- Processed foods
- Artificial sweeteners
- Refined oils: sunflower, safflower, soybean, canola, corn oils
- High-carb alcohol: sweet wine, beer
Physicists Discover A Second Layer Of Information Hidden In Our DNA

DNA is fascinating, and we stand to learn so much about who we are, where we came from, and what we are capable of (biologically speaking) from its study. Our capabilities in particular have yet to be studied in-depth by the mainstream scientific community. Yet the study of phenomena like the placebo effect, distant healing, telepathy, and the physical impacts of human intention, not to mention the Mind-Body connection, has yielded statistically significant results which have been available in ‘reputable peer-reviewed journals’ for decades.
21 Signs Parasites Are Living In Your Body – Use These Herbs To Help Kill

Parasite infections can be treated with the help of various herbs. The first thing you should do in these cases is to optimize the function of your immune system with their help, and then treat parasites.
There are many symptoms of parasite infections and the most common include:
- Recurring yeast infections like Candida
- Loss of appetite
- Headaches
- Constant hunger
- Chronic fatigue
- Mood disorders: depression, anxiety, restlessness, suicidal thoughts, irritability
- Bleeding gums
- Strong cravings for processed foods and sugary foods
- Food allergies and sensitivities
- Anemia or iron deficiency
- Skin ailments like lesions, acne, hives, ulcers, rashes, weeping eczema, itchy dermatitis, sores, etc.
- Nervousness
- Breathing issues
- Teeth grinding and drooling during sleep
- Memory problems
- Sexual dysfunction in men/menstrual cycle problems in women
- Sore/stiff joints
- Itching – especially around mouth, nose, and anus
- Persistent digestive issues
This Little Known Chinese Herb Kills 12,000 Cancer Cells For Every Healthy Cell

Today, odds are that you have had/have cancer, or know somebody who does. In Canada, approximately one million Canadians that were alive at the beginning of 2009 have had a cancer diagnosis in the previous 10 years. Two out of every five Canadians will develop cancer within their life time, and one in every four will die.(3) In the United States, one out of every two men, and one out of ever three women will become infected with cancer.
These rates have continued to skyrocket since we started recording them and more people are starting to ask questions and observe the environment we choose to surround ourselves with on a daily basis.
15 Plants & Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections & Repair Pulmona

When it comes to taking herbs for medicinal purposes, it seems the mainstream belief is that they are not as effective and not worth taking. While the effectiveness of herbs has not been studied deeply to determine how well they work across the entire population, the same could be said for most pharmaceutical drugs. Much of the time, pharmaceutical drugs attempt to mimic a compound that occurs in nature (herbs), but often bring the risk of side effects in the process.
Safety is one of the most critical areas of review amongst herbs and drugs. According to stats released by the American Association of Poison Control Centers, no deaths have been reported due to the use and consumption of herbs. However, pharmaceutical drugs and physician prescribed medications kill approximately one million Americans each year. While it is important to note that herbal medicines can be lethal in extreme doses, it appears their safety is much greater than that of pharmaceutical drugs.