Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey – Combination That Treats Many

Garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey are effective in the treatment of many health conditions, but when combined together, they are even more powerful. This combination is used in the treatment of high blood pressure, colds, infections, and even serious health conditions like cancer, asthma, arthritis, infertility, and impotence.

It boosts the immune system and lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol levels (LDL – low-density lipoprotein).

In the last few decades scientists have conducted a great number of studies, which showed that the combination of the three most powerful natural remedies can cure many forms of cancer. Patients diagnosed with cancer were able to control the effects of cancer, and many of them even cured cancer.

Coconut Water Kefir can help heal the gut, improve immune function and prevent cancer. Her

Coconut water kefir is basically fermented coconut water. It is an unbelievably rich probiotic drink that also contains really high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. The vitamin and mineral content of coconut water includes beta carotene, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Niacin, pantothenic acid, folates and vitamins A,B6, C, E and K. What’s more important and why it’s considered better than regular kefir is the fact it doesn’t contain the problematic substances that regular dairy has such as casein and lactose. This just means that your body will process these probiotic benefits better. Coconut water kefir is believed to be the most beneficial probiotic beverage because it has a much more potent effect on the digestive system than any dairy probiotic food such as yogurt.

Essential Oils and Brain Injuries. Here’s What You’re Not Being Told

Did you know that our sense of smell is the only sense directly tied to the limbic area of the brain, which is considered the emotional control center? This means that when essential oils are inhaled, they go directly to the brain. Our other four senses — taste, sight, touch and hearing — are first routed through the thalamus before reaching designated areas of the brain. Because the limbic system is directly connected to the parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance, therapeutic-grade essential oils can have unbelievable physiological and psychological effects. Each of the essential oils has therapeutic stimulating, calming, sedative, balancing  properties. When we inhale an essential oil molecule, it travels through the nasal passage to a receptor neuron that transports it up to the limbic brain, especially the hypothalamus.  The limbic center in your brain is responsible for controlling all the physical, psychological, and emotional responses that your body performs based on stimulus coming from the outside. Thus, the ability of essential oils to target your limbic center, make them a powerful tool in treating many health ailments.

110-Year-Old Man Says These 5 Foods Are Essential For Longevity

A man named Bernardo LaPallo is over 110 years old, although most would think he is younger.

Like many living to be his age, LaPallo credits his long life with eating a lol of organic fruit and vegetables, while avoiding other foods like the plague. He especially recognizes these 5 foods, a secret passed down to him by his father which he believes is the key to his longevity.

Bernardo puts it simply, “You are what you eat!” Check out the video below to see what he says.

Another Way we are killing Ourselves

New Study Finds Heavy Cell Phone Use Can Increase Your Risk Of Deadly Brain Cancer by 300%

Four Simple Tips For What You Can Do to limit the risk.  Most importantly Limit children’s use they are at the greatest long term risk.
The use of mobile devices has increased exponentially since the introduction of smartphones. With mobile phone subscriptions hitting close to 7 billion globally [1], our exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is higher than ever. This has raised concerns regarding the effect of RF-EMF on humans, particularly their risk for cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified RF-EMF as possibly carcinogenic, because of a higher risk for gliomas, a type of brain cancer. [2] While these statistics indicate possible dangers RF-EMF, fully understanding how it affects a person’s health needs further research and study.

The recipe of the most effective natural antibiotic

The recipe of the most effective natural antibiotic, that successfully treats almost all conditions, has been revealed by the popular American doctor Richard Schulze.

This Super- tonic, as all tinctures, is an extremely effective natural medicine. Namely, the best parts and properties of herbs and plants are preserved in tinctures. Yet, they can be very strong, so you should always use them with caution

The recipe of this amazing tonic includes organic ingredients only, in order to obtain best results. This is how to prepare this remarkable natural medicine:

Survival Hack: How To Create Homemade Penicillin

This information I feel is very relevant to potentially everyone but specifically those whom may be living in poverty or have limited resources around the world. Oranges and simple bread are two of the most universally common household kitchen items. But did you know that oranges and bread are capable of producing penicillin simply by letting them sit around and age? Believe it or not, that green disgusting mold which develops on the surface of bread is actually called Penicillium.

It is time for a thought experiment. You are living in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. In a dash your partner has deeply slashed their leg. As you take shelter the next few days your partner begins to develop a noticeable infection. Keeping in mind that in real world cases infections can result in serious medical concerns, loss of a limb or death if left untreated, without access to modern medical supplies would you know what to do to help your partner? Here is one cheap and easy way to potentially save your partner from these fates.

Understanding, Protecting, and Maintaining Your Lungs

Understanding, Protecting, and Maintaining Your Lungs

The human body is a complex system of interconnected parts, and the lungs play a critical role in our overall health and well-being. In this blog, we will explore the anatomy and function of the lungs, common lung conditions, and the causes of lung damage. We will also provide tips and advice for maintaining lung health and protecting against lung damage.

Vitamin B17 The Greatest Cover Up In The History Of Cancer

It has been becoming increasingly apparent in recent years that there are a number of alternative cancer treatment methods which have proven to either eradicate cancer cells on their own, or even assist with the more traditional methods of chemotherapy and radiation. Many of these alternative treatments do not get the recognition that they deserve from either mainstream media or mainstream medicine. In fact, in many states alternative cancer treatments have been banned or made illegal and, according to the law, one can even be forced to undergo chemotherapy against one’s will. It is important to note, however, that choosing one of these natural, alternative cancer treatments does require you to do a lot of research, because there is very little funding, or merit, allotted to their study. The cancer industry does not want to look at these alternative methods and spends very little of their funds informing people about preventative medicine. In fact, one particular vitamin that is believed to be extremely beneficial in fighting cancer cells has actually been banned by the FDA and is illegal for treatment in the United States, and that is Laetrile.

Top 10 Herbs For The Eyes

Whether you want to maintain healthy vision or restore it, here are 10 herbs that have been deemed beneficial for eye health:

Top 10 Herbs For The Eyes


The name is an obvious indicator of the ancient belief in eyebright’s value in treating the eyes. Eyebright derives its name from its flowers that resemble eyes as well as its valuable property as an eye medication to preserve eyesight. [2] Studies show eyebright can be used to soothe red or itchy eyes like those present in conjunctivitis. [3] In one such study carried throughout 12 general practitioner and ophthalmologist clinics in Europe, a single dose of eyebright eye drops were administered to patients with inflammatory or catarrhal conjunctivitis. Complete recovery was seen in 81.5% of the patients while there was a clear improvement in  another 17%. [4]